Kenapa perlu ada personal TAKAFUL? Insuran Company kan dah ada? 😳
Walaupun anda seorang pekerja terbaik abad ini, jika syarikat ingin "CUT COST", insuran boleh DIBATALKAN begitu saja.
Kita sebagai pekerja tidak boleh marah sebab itu BUKAN HAK KITA.
Belajar sesuatu?
Pm for free quotation.
My Takaful
Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. Protect your self & family.
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Alhamdullilah for another achievement
Alhamdulillah.. received this poster this morning from my beautiful leader, Farah Rosli Subhanallah.. Lisbon, Portugal StarClub saya yg ke-6. I just want to proof that.. if someone like me, yg byk kelemahan ini bole buat apatah lg anda semua yg hebat2 .
Yesss..it’s not easy dlm membuka minda rakyat Malaysia & memberi kesedaran tentang kepentingan Takaful. Byk liku2 yg perlu saya lalui sepanjang sy berada dlm business ini. But this is what Allah has planned for me. I just do it!! Rempuhhhh dan lalui saja apa yg Allah has planned! And do it only for HIM. Insha allah HE will show us the way..
Dalam business ini, saya belajar apa itu erti PERJUANGAN! Berjuang dan berjihad dlm berdakwah tentang Perlindungan Kewangan melalui Takaful. Di sini juga, saya belajar tentang ‘SABAR’ dlm berurusan sesama manusia. Great things take time. Never Give Up. Always put our level best in whatever we do. Be Positive and have faith & strong believe that nothing is impossible with HIS Power!!!! Insha allah..
Thank you guys for always be with me. Without u all, i am Nothing! 😊
Yesss..it’s not easy dlm membuka minda rakyat Malaysia & memberi kesedaran tentang kepentingan Takaful. Byk liku2 yg perlu saya lalui sepanjang sy berada dlm business ini. But this is what Allah has planned for me. I just do it!! Rempuhhhh dan lalui saja apa yg Allah has planned! And do it only for HIM. Insha allah HE will show us the way..
Dalam business ini, saya belajar apa itu erti PERJUANGAN! Berjuang dan berjihad dlm berdakwah tentang Perlindungan Kewangan melalui Takaful. Di sini juga, saya belajar tentang ‘SABAR’ dlm berurusan sesama manusia. Great things take time. Never Give Up. Always put our level best in whatever we do. Be Positive and have faith & strong believe that nothing is impossible with HIS Power!!!! Insha allah..
Thank you guys for always be with me. Without u all, i am Nothing! 😊
Saturday, 12 January 2019
My Dream Board 2019
Everything started with a dream. Dream boardhelps us visualize our goals and reminds us of what you’re working so hard toward when faced with obstacles.
Alhamdulillah.. today we successfully end the session with the purposes.. Subhanallah.. terlalu Best!!! Thank yoi for the idea & opportunity given. Tq Guys for your energy & sharing your dreams with me. There’s a lot I learned for today from u guys.. Thanks for the delicious food, menu baru & menu tahun lepas 😜.. Thanks for the exchanged gift. Interesting! Really appreciate the moment we been together.
Semoga ukhwah yg kte bina bersama akan dirahmati & dilindungi Allah swt hingga ke akhir hayat 💞May Allah permudahkan segala urusan kami
Alhamdulillah.. today we successfully end the session with the purposes.. Subhanallah.. terlalu Best!!! Thank yoi for the idea & opportunity given. Tq Guys for your energy & sharing your dreams with me. There’s a lot I learned for today from u guys.. Thanks for the delicious food, menu baru & menu tahun lepas 😜.. Thanks for the exchanged gift. Interesting! Really appreciate the moment we been together.
Semoga ukhwah yg kte bina bersama akan dirahmati & dilindungi Allah swt hingga ke akhir hayat 💞May Allah permudahkan segala urusan kami
Friday, 11 January 2019
Berita Baik Untuk Pelabur Amanah Saham
Tahniah kepada semua pelabur di dalam Amanah Saham. Dh dapat ke dividennya? 😍😍
Semoga dapat gunakan dengan berhemah.
Tapi sy nak bagi IDEA BEST. Nak tak?
Apa kata dividen tu buka akaun WARISAN pula dgn PrudentialBSN? Agihkan simpanan dalam pelbagai cabang supaya dapat memaksimumkan KEKAYAAN anda.
Apa yang anda dapat dgn akaun WARISAN/HIBAH?
☑️ Pampasan kematian/cacat kekal min RM250ribu hingga RM4juta
☑️ Pampasan penyakit kritikal
☑️ Pulangan simpanan yg tinggi
☑️ Simpanan singkat 5@10@20thn atau sehingga umur 70thn
Saya ada beberapa client yang biasanya menyimpan di ASB sbyk RM1-3k sebulan utk peniaga & RM100-500 sebulan utk mkn gaji. Gunakan dividen tuk byran setahun terus akaun WARISAN/HIBAH ini. Simpanan singkat. Pampasan (Tunai untuk waris) tersedia. Simpanan yg kita simpan tiap bulan pun ada.
Nak tahu lanjut? PM saya.
Credit to Atie Daut 🌹
Semoga dapat gunakan dengan berhemah.
Tapi sy nak bagi IDEA BEST. Nak tak?
Apa kata dividen tu buka akaun WARISAN pula dgn PrudentialBSN? Agihkan simpanan dalam pelbagai cabang supaya dapat memaksimumkan KEKAYAAN anda.
Apa yang anda dapat dgn akaun WARISAN/HIBAH?
☑️ Pampasan kematian/cacat kekal min RM250ribu hingga RM4juta
☑️ Pampasan penyakit kritikal
☑️ Pulangan simpanan yg tinggi
☑️ Simpanan singkat 5@10@20thn atau sehingga umur 70thn
Saya ada beberapa client yang biasanya menyimpan di ASB sbyk RM1-3k sebulan utk peniaga & RM100-500 sebulan utk mkn gaji. Gunakan dividen tuk byran setahun terus akaun WARISAN/HIBAH ini. Simpanan singkat. Pampasan (Tunai untuk waris) tersedia. Simpanan yg kita simpan tiap bulan pun ada.
Nak tahu lanjut? PM saya.
Credit to Atie Daut 🌹
Monday, 7 January 2019
Syukur atas segala kurniaannya 💞.. Dreams don’t work unless you do. Every hard work pays off as long as you believe in yourself..
Congratulations team.. Intan Nurliyana & Samawati Samhuri.. Stay long in the business coz great thing takes time.
Keep it up! Keep moving!
Syukur atas segala kurniaannya 💞.. Dreams don’t work unless you do. Every hard work pays off as long as you believe in yourself..
Congratulations team.. Intan Nurliyana & Samawati Samhuri.. Stay long in the business coz great thing takes time.
Keep it up! Keep moving!
Monday, 31 December 2018
Happy New Year 2019
Tiada kejayaan yg dicapai melalui apa yg ku usahakan sdiri melainkan hanya dengan kehebatan dan izinMu ya Allah..
This business is about giving awareness and convincing people to have a protection. We’re dealing with people & feeling. Helping people but sometimes we did hurt too. Witnessing people diagnosed with Critical Illness is really painful. No joke. It’s Qada’ & Qadar Allah that we must accept. This business also about self developing and build our own business empire. It’s not easy but worth it!!
Alhamdulillah..Syukur ya Allah 😭
Pencapaian tahun 2018
Apple Voucher RM1,500
Without support & pray from people around me i won’t achieve all this. Thank you my beautiful leaders Farah Rosli, RY Team, Kak Yusliza Yusof & Irene Irene, Eagle Team, rakan2 Al Isra, my travel buddy (u know who u are), my beloved hubby Muhamad Asmawi Ahmad, my family papa, mama, kids, mother in law, siblings, in laws, bibik Suli Riwsyati, kawan2 yg terlalu ramai utk disebut di sini.. and not to forget to all my clients yg sgt supportive and trust me with all your heart 😘
About the picture: Gambar paling byk like 2018
This business is about giving awareness and convincing people to have a protection. We’re dealing with people & feeling. Helping people but sometimes we did hurt too. Witnessing people diagnosed with Critical Illness is really painful. No joke. It’s Qada’ & Qadar Allah that we must accept. This business also about self developing and build our own business empire. It’s not easy but worth it!!
Alhamdulillah..Syukur ya Allah 😭
Pencapaian tahun 2018
Apple Voucher RM1,500
Without support & pray from people around me i won’t achieve all this. Thank you my beautiful leaders Farah Rosli, RY Team, Kak Yusliza Yusof & Irene Irene, Eagle Team, rakan2 Al Isra, my travel buddy (u know who u are), my beloved hubby Muhamad Asmawi Ahmad, my family papa, mama, kids, mother in law, siblings, in laws, bibik Suli Riwsyati, kawan2 yg terlalu ramai utk disebut di sini.. and not to forget to all my clients yg sgt supportive and trust me with all your heart 😘
About the picture: Gambar paling byk like 2018
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Kerja Kosong 2019
✅ Warganegara Malaysia
✅ LOKASI : Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur
✅ Berumur minima 20 tahun
✅ Minimum Diploma
✅ Kemasukan Segera
Call/Watsapp: 0126673031
2018 beranjak pergi
Isi hati dengan harapan yang tinggi
Hidup ini wajib kita yakini
Agar Tuhan selalu memberkati
Selamat tahun baru 2019!
✅ Warganegara Malaysia
✅ LOKASI : Petaling Jaya/Kuala Lumpur
✅ Berumur minima 20 tahun
✅ Minimum Diploma
✅ Kemasukan Segera
Call/Watsapp: 0126673031
2018 beranjak pergi
Isi hati dengan harapan yang tinggi
Hidup ini wajib kita yakini
Agar Tuhan selalu memberkati
Selamat tahun baru 2019!
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